Michigan Indoor Track Series
Frequently Asked Questions
What is MITS?
MITS is a group of volunteers whose main purpose is to host an Indoor State Championship for track and field and to promote the sport here in Michigan. Colleges and Universities around the State host meets that we use as "qualifying" events for our State Meet. While we coordinate with these venues for dates and info, MITS DOES NOT facilitate these meets. The rules, fees, timing, etc. are completely decided by the host. They are also responsible for results. When we receive results from them, we will post them. If there is a discrepency in results, please contact the host. If that doesn't work, we are always here to help.
Who can compete at MITS events?
We strive to keep these meets for high school and middle school aged athletes. ONLY high school and middle school aged athletes can compete at the state meet. Also, out of state and out of country athletes can compete at the MITS qualifying events, however, only Michigan residents who are HS level and under can compete at the State meet. Some venues will allow adults to compete in the qualifying meets. We cannot control that but we highly discourage it.
How do I compete at a MITS event?
Each venue is a little different. It used to be that you just show up at the venue, pay the entry fee at the door, and you can compete in as many events as you'd like. Recently, most venues are going to online registrations. So you will have to click on their meet info to see how to register online. Keep in mind that each venue may have different rules and regulations. Please adhere to all guidelines set by the venue. Most venues are using Athletic.net. Each venue also handles spectators differently. You can click on the meet to get more info.
Do I have to belong to a club to compete?
Aboslutely not. In fact, most venues will consider all competitors "unnattached" while some will list any club you are affialiated with in the results. However, MITS does not have any affiliation with any club. So please do not contact us asking which club you should join. You may want to inquire on social media by tagging us in your post or talk to people at an indoor meet to get advice on clubs. We do not want to support one club over another as our goal is to support all clubs and all unattached athletes.
Are spikes allowed at MITS meets?
Most venues allow you to wear spikes. However, some do not. You may wear your shoes without the spikes in them.
How do I compete at the State Meet?
You have to qualify first. You can qualify for the State Meet by hitting the standard at ANY of the MITS meets listed on the MITS website. There are many events throughout the winter all over the state. You may ONLY qualify at a MITS meet. Competing out of state or at a meet that is not listed on the MITS website will not qualify you for the state meet. In addtion, your out of state marks CANNOT be used to seed you in the MITS State Meet. WE ARE TRYING TO PROMOTE TRACK AND FIELD IN MICHIGAN!
How do you come up with the qualifying standards?
We use previous results to come up with acceptable qualifying standards. On occasion we may need to relax the standards for certain events to ensure we have a complete field of competitors at the State Meet. However, we will never make the standard more difficult once it has been set. The only way to ensure qualifying is to hit the standard we originally post.
Once I qualify, what do I have to do?
Once you hit the qualifying standard and registration for the state meet opens, go to the website and register for the State Meet. Your mark will be verified so please make sure that you hit the qualifying mark. There will not be any refunds for people who register but do not actually qualify.
How many events can I run at the state meet?
You can only compete in two (2) individual running events. However you may compete on as many relays as you qualify for and as many field events as you qualify for in addition to the 2 individual running events up to four (4) total events.
Do I need a uniform?
You can run in whatever you like but NOT SCHOOL ISSUED UNIFORMS. Regardless of whether they are current or former uniforms. Regardless of whether you own them or not. If a uniform has ever been used in an MHSAA event it is not legal for MITS. It is almost impossible for us to monitor and enforce this throughout the season but if you wear one at the state meet you will not be allowed to compete if we catch it before or DQed if we catch it afterwards. Some venues and the State Meet require that relay teams have matching tops. White t-shirts are not acceptable matching tops. It is highly recommended that you do not compete in a uniform that could be mistaken for a school uniform. You could jeopardize your eligibility.
What if my club qualifies multiple relay teams in the same event?
Due to online registrations your club may enter more than 1 relay team per club name. For example, Pulaski Track Club may have more than one 4x200 team entered at the state meet but you must enter a name for EVERY leg when you register. While we understand that there may be instances where an alternate needs to fill in, we are asking that you not recruit people for relays the day of the meet. We rely on the integrity of the coaches.
Why is my name (or performance) wrong in the results posted?
MITS publishes the information we get from the venues. Each venue hosts the meet and compiles the results in a way that works best for them. We are at the mercy of their accuracy. If there is a discrepancy with your performance, contact that venue. If that doesn't work, contact us and we will try to help.